Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rape cases and robbery has becomes a norm. Can you imagine living in a place with as much as 1710 rape cases w

people have the right to defend themselves and their property. looks like they arent doing much to save themselves, lazy or stupid... worst is they should focus on finding out why these people are robbing and raping, that may solve the problem at the roots.Rape cases and robbery has becomes a norm. Can you imagine living in a place with as much as 1710 rape cases w
We do, if you have not noticedRape cases and robbery has becomes a norm. Can you imagine living in a place with as much as 1710 rape cases w
Violence is an epidemic in the states for sure.
What area? there are at least 2 billion females (not including small children) in the world that could be potentially raped. Your number could mean that there is 1 chance in 1 million that a woman will be raped in six months.

What constitutes rape? At least half of the actions called ';rape'; in the US would not be considered so in many countries. Also in many countries she stigma of being a rape victim is so large that it is seldom reported. When considered on the same standards, the rate of rape in US/Europe is probably much lower than the world average.
No i can't!!

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