This assumes that he actually has a policy to begin with 0-oHow many US swine flu cases can be either directly or indirectly traced to Obama's laxed immigration policy?
As usual you have me rolling on the floor laughing with this misdirection. During the last 8 years Bush and cheney did NOTHING about tightening our borders and have throw up road blocks to any bills to tighten our borders this year. And you try to lay the blame for the Republican policy of blocking all tightening of border security on Obama. Obama has not declared an open border BUSH did that!
That's a boondoggle if I ever heard one. If you want to trace the spread of the swine flu, look to tourists, not immigrants. There are far more of the former. see nothing has changed since obama took office...same failing border policies we have had for 30 yrs...hey hows that wall coming?
This question is so lame.
You lost give it a rest
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