Friday, January 22, 2010

Is cases like the Garrido Kidnapping indicative that we need to keep a closer eye on our fellow citizens?

Just goes to show, you can't trust your neighbor.Is cases like the Garrido Kidnapping indicative that we need to keep a closer eye on our fellow citizens?
it's indicative of what a lousy job the government officials did when they did their checks on a known sex offender.Is cases like the Garrido Kidnapping indicative that we need to keep a closer eye on our fellow citizens?
That would suck. Just as likely as not, suspicions would not fall on the right people. Take for instance the BTK killer. He was a building code inspector.

However, when you have a valid suspicion it is your duty to fall through. I know if I ever have occassion to call the police, I follow up with questions about what they found and what they are doing about it. I wouldn't just trust it to the police ( although of course 99% of the time they handle matters well).

But there is also a lot about the case that doesn't add up. He may have kidnapped her, held her captive and maybe even punished her in way we as yet do not know about--but in the long run she stayed because it was her home. I read report of the daughters as pale and robotic but I saw pictures of them well dressed, healthy and attending a party. Suckciety is protecting its politically correct feminist values.
The guy was a convicted rapist allowed out of prison early.

Why was he not followed up on by the authorities regularly? Isn't that their job?

As for keeping an eye on our fellow citizens, this is why it's important to have a sense of community in your neighborhood. By being an active neighbor you get to know those who live near you. It's amazing what you learn about people when you go beyond the wave and nod.
This would have never happened if we had something that even resembled a justice system. Start hacking off limbs for violent/sexual crimes and see how many pervs are still hanging out around schools. Lighten up the tax burden on society by buying a few boxes of .22 rounds and clean up death row. Hey it'd make more room immediately, but then you probably wouldn't need as much room in a few years. That's just evil, insensitive, me though. Haha, are you asking that we beef up the patriot act? How about we stop crying for someone when they go to jail and protect our children!!!
Keep a closer eye on our neighbors? You should probably stay away from me.

How about if we actually hold those accountable for crimes? A little more execution and a little less rehabilitation would work alot better.

Keep an eye on me.........try it.
We have to keep a closer eye on known sex offenders and others convicted of crimes.
the neighbors actually complained. The police dropped the ball on this one.
Garrido is ONE NUT JOB in a country of 300+ million people.
True 100%

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