Monday, January 18, 2010

What should the government do if scandal cases get worst?

I have been watching news lately and seen that the Hayden Kho scandal case is some kind of getting worst.

I hope that it wont last long.What should the government do if scandal cases get worst?
In the good old day when people had Honour, it would have been a pistol on the balcony at midnight.

But this bunch of dried Rat Filth are immune to humiliation and dis-Honour and scramble with their lies to an angry people in the hope that we are retarded enough to believe that none of them were having a Ball and grown Fat and bloated, on our tax money while the people struggle under an unfair tax and benefits system designed to cripple British spirit and create a reservoir for the undirected, undereducated young people to plunge into and feed on it's negativity.

Gorden Brown and his gang of sellout buddies the Conservative party, should be put out onto the street, like so many other people who have lost their homes, and never permitted into politics again.

All of the mainstream, political parties have sold us out and grown fat on their own corruption, they have been milking the system for many years and have convinced them selves they are above the Fools that vote for them.

It is time for a change, it is time now for a Government that is going to be pro British people, and get Our people proud to be British again and not feel like second class citizens in their own country, afraid to walk the streets because of all of the Government promoted street crime and lack of walking patrol policemen, this will all change.

The World will become pro Britain once again and we will regain our lost Global respect.

We want to be Independent and self governing, this is what we fought 600 years for against Europe, now Brown has just handed us back, no democracy there, no vote just Sell-out and Betrayal, but the sad news is the conservatives and the lib-dems want the same thing, none of the main parties respect the fact that the majority of Britains people do not want to be absorbed by The Corrupt European Superstate.

We need a government who respects the rights of British people and will return Britain into a safe and prosperous Nation for Our people.What should the government do if scandal cases get worst?
what can they do? seriously. nothing but corruption there. goodluck.. they might as well make money off of it. thats what they r good at.

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